“The world is one family”
Or originally in Sanskrit, “vasudhaiva kudumbakam.”
Sanskrit is one of the oldest language on earth. It’s amazing to think that this ancient language has an expression to capture this concept. It must have been an important idea to communicate within that civilization. Language will enable future generations ahead to learn from the wisdom of ages.
Today, humanity has advanced enough to be able to communicate this concept in just one word.
Who can get involved?
Any Malaysian, from Perlis to Johor and Sarawak to Sabah.
What is required of you?
1. Your Presence.
2. Your willingness to participate.
Who should join?
1. You should join if you want to make Malaysia great again.
2. You should join if you want to be instrumental to create more meaning, purpose and peace for Malaysians.
3. You should join if you want to gather with like-minded Malaysian.
Who should NOT join?
1. Don’t join if you are racist.
2. Don’t join if you like the Malaysia today and maintain this status-quo.
3. Don’t join if you don’t want change.
What We Do
Our primary goal to create a community where everyone belongs and thrives.
We advocate equity for all Malaysian.
To eliminate the barriers of inclusion for every citizen to access basic opportunities such as education, shelter and amenities.
To achieve this, we provide a platform for people to network from a diversified background group of people, so we can create collaborative opportunities for the people in our community.
Attention will be given more in efforts to elevate the living standards of the community and those being treated unjustly.
Our Story – Unity Movement
Unity is a concept born out of the collective wisdom of humans who lived before us. This concept has ensured that our generation now, still have a place we can call home; EARTH.
But sadly, towards the dawn of the 21st century, this concept of UNITY is beginning to be non-existent. And Malaysia has reached the abyss of unity.
We receive instantaneous news and information that are both factual and fake. Just as swiftly, we are also losing our sense of belonging in our own community. We are partitioned by race, origin, faith, political inclination and every day there are more new labels emerging.
We need to be aware that all these labels are just identifiers. We are still one species, living on this one planet. We are still one nation, living together in Malaysia. There has to be awareness instilled in all Malaysians to realize that every Malaysian is one big family.
The 1st step is the hardest, but together, Malaysian can do it.
If we want a better Malaysia to live in for us, for our children and our children’s children, then men and beast, we must work together.
The best way to predict the future is to create it.
Peter Drucker
“the founder of modern management”
The significant problems we face today cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.
Albert Einstein
“the world’s most famous eqauation”
OUR VISION – To be an effective platform to cultivate unity in the hearts of every Malaysian.
-To create a platform to enable collaborations of friendship and trust for individuals of diversified background.
-To be the point of reference to honour the society’s identity that was intended upon the creation of our country.
-To disarm attempts to disunite our people from within and outside our country.
-To advance the awarensess and importance of mutual respect and understanding as the way to strengthen and heal the country.
Unity and Equity
Equality is a more well-known term than equity, perhaps because of the social issues we face around equality and acceptance of diversity. In short, equality (as it sounds) is the state of being equal. If someone is pushing for equality he/she is advocating for equal rights, opportunities, treatment, and resources for all. Equality is beneficial, but it often doesn’t address specific needs. In short, equality is not enough to combat hundreds of years of oppression, poverty, and disproportionality.
Have you ever done something? ONE thing – that totally changed your life forever?
If you’re ready for it, JOIN US. Unity Movement Malaysia could be the change you’ve been searching for.
Where is UNITY?
Unity is a state of mind.
It’s your mindset.
It’s not a place.
If it’s not inside of you, it’s not anywhere you go.
What we believe will eventually be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Shift your belief, you’ll shift your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Multicultural Malaysia – Standing in The Eyes of the World.
There are many countries in the world who claims to be multicultural. And that they are diverse in their lineage of origin. Yet, Malaysia offers a very unique representation of multicultural.
A Malay family lives next to a Dusun family, a Chinese and Melanau having meals together at the same table at a Mamak’s restaurant. Fatimah, Li Ping and Ratna are best friends. The level of tolerance and acceptance between races and different faiths is beyond beautiful to experience. Unity exist in the hearts of every Malaysian child. But this was true in the old days.
Lately, it’s a time bomb waiting to explode. There exist dark agents which existence is to disunite. These agents live to divide us Malaysian into factions that threatens the harmonious way of life we have known. We are served with dark propagandas that pushes trust out of our beautiful society.
We cannot let this happen to our future generation. They deserve a better way of life than what we had before. All Malaysians must stand together in solidarity to embrace the only thing that can ensure a better future.
Unity is our willingness to care and support each other. Unity is hope. Unity is strength. Unity is even more powerful in diversity. UNITY because we are family.
I believe that all Malaysian will rise up to this awareness.
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News & Updates
Apa Itu MA63? Kenapa Ia Penting Untuk Sabah dan Sarawak?
Di bawah Perjanjian Malaysia 1963, Sabah dan Sarawak adalah rakan sekutu bekas Persekutuan Tanah Melayu, tetapi kedudukan ini telah terhakis. Penerangan berikut akan menjelaskan erti asal usul perjanjian ini dan kenapa ia penting dilaksanakan.
What Is the MA63? And Why it Is Important to Sabah and Sarawak
Under the Malaysia Agreement of 1963, Sabah and Sarawak were equal partners to the former Federation of Malaya, but this standing has since been eroded. Here’s what restoring it will mean, and why it's important.